Limited posting

The forums just limited me to some number of postings within a specific amount of time.  This is fine if you want to limit the number of questions/postings that I can respond to but I find it somewhat offensive and will limit the amount of time I spend giving back to this community.  

  • Hi ,

    We definitely value your time giving back to the community.

    The post throttling setting is on to limit the amount of SPAM a spammer can post. Generally, it is set to allow about 3 posts in 5 minutes before kicking in, but depending on connection settings and timeouts, this can vary slightly. Unfortunately, and much to our frustration, this setting is not user specific. It is either on or off for the entire site.

    I'm sorry for the frustration.


  • I understand the need to attempt to cut down on spam but there are some posters who answer questions on a rapid basis in the limited time we have to spend on here.  As soon as we run out of time or are limited to a number of posts we are done. This is my first post this morning which means I only get two more before I'm cut off.... Lets see how this goes.

  • I understand the need to attempt to cut down on spam but there are some posters who answer questions on a rapid basis in the limited time we have to spend on here.  As soon as we run out of time or are limited to a number of posts we are done. This is my first post this morning which means I only get two more before I'm cut off.... Lets see how this goes.

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