South American purchase of Student package ETCnomad+Gadget II


I have been in contact with ETC's representative in Brazil regarding the purchase of ETCnomad. They gave me a quote for the nomad and the Gadget II separately, which they say they should receive within the next month.

However, I later found out about the Student Package, to which I am elegible. They say that they don't know when they'll receive the Student version of the combo and won't even give me a quote. I thought the Base nomad was the same Base nomad wether being Student or not, and same for the Gadget II. 

Are these two products really different versions or is the store trying to push me the more expensive product? If they really are different, can I try to import the Student Package from a ditributor elsewhere, like the EU, for example?


Typo on the title
[edited by: prestok at 3:42 PM (GMT -5) on Tue, May 7 2024]