Lights flickering

I teach at a high school (completely deficient in any lighting knowledge) and our lights in the theatre have randomly started flickering. All of them, house lights included. They still respond to the board (Element 2) and turn on and off. It's just when they're on they're flickering. Not flashing on an off, but flickering. 

Any solutions???

  • Hi Justin - please answer some questions so we can help troubleshoot:

    1.) What kind of Lighting fixtures?
    a.) LED fixtures?

    b.) Moving Light fixtures?
    c.) Conventional tungsten fixtures connected to a dimmer?

    d.) What kind of dimmer rack? Make/Mode?
    2.)  How does the DMX Signal get out of the Element2 console and  get to these fixtures?
    a.) Via a Network cable out of the element console?
    b.) DMX cable out of the console?
    c.) Are there DMX Gateway or splitters involved? If so, please explain how they are connected?
    d.) How many fixtures are connected through one dmx cable out of the console or a dmx gateway/Splitter?

    e.) Do you have a drawing / Plan of how the dmx wiring is connected through the devices? if so please post here.
    f.) If you have multiple dmx lines - is the flickering on all the lines?
    g.) Does the last fixture in each dmx line, have a DMX termination plug plugged in the DMX Thru port of that fixture?
    h.) Are all of your dmx cables with 5pol or 3pol XLR connectors?

  • Hey there! I will do my best to answer all of these accurately (Again not very light literate)

    1.) Mostly older Ellipsoidals and fresnels

    a.) No LEDS

    b.) No movers

    c.) Yes, connected to a dimmer.

    d.) Sensor Dimmer Rack Model

    2.) There is a DMX cable connected to the console and the dimmer rack

    c.) As far as I know there are no Gateway or Splitters

    d.) We have about 40 fixtures hung total.

    e-g) There is only one DMX line connected, I don't have a drawing, but essentially we have one line in front of the stage with 21 fixtures plugged into their own channels. Then there are about 15-20 fixtures hung above the stage, mostly around the perimeter, also plugged into their own channels. 

    h.) 5pol connectors

  • More questions:
    -3.  How long ago was the system installed ?
    - 4. When did the flickering start?

    - 5. What changed in your theater at the time the flickering started? 
         a.) Element software update?

    b.) Dimmer rack update?

    6.) How often does the flickering happen? All day? Once a day? Once a week?
    7.) How long does flickering last?

    8.) Are all lights flickering in same moment? or different rates?
    9) Are all lights affected?
    10.) Is Dimmer Rack a Sensor Classic? Sensor+ or Sensor3? (is the rack black or beige?)
    11) Can you try replacing the dmx cable from console to rack?

    12.) Are the house lights only controlled by the console, or also from a different controller like buttons or touchsceens.?