How does one get into the biz?

  • By posting in a forum you are in essence "in the biz".
    Every breath you take will be "in the biz".
    Its a personal journey of education.
    Day after day, week after week,year after year....
    Sure you can apply for jobs ,but the real job is what do you have to offer to the world.Educate yourself, continue to educate and then educate again.The first "gigs" are like kindergarden.Keep
    studying, testing ,and "going to class" and you continue to grow.
    For example ,rigging= disipline , if you dont
    committ to it fully then someone else dies.Like a doctor!A student should not do a tripple bypass with brain transplant as a first "project".What is it specifically that stirs inside you?
    Payment is not paid in paper money for your efforts.
    Dedication to the people in the industry is how to get in,constant education and focus is how to stay in.
    biz=lifestyle through occupation AND education
  • By posting in a forum you are in essence "in the biz".
    Every breath you take will be "in the biz".
    Its a personal journey of education.
    Day after day, week after week,year after year....
    Sure you can apply for jobs ,but the real job is what do you have to offer to the world.Educate yourself, continue to educate and then educate again.The first "gigs" are like kindergarden.Keep
    studying, testing ,and "going to class" and you continue to grow.
    For example ,rigging= disipline , if you dont
    committ to it fully then someone else dies.Like a doctor!A student should not do a tripple bypass with brain transplant as a first "project".What is it specifically that stirs inside you?
    Payment is not paid in paper money for your efforts.
    Dedication to the people in the industry is how to get in,constant education and focus is how to stay in.
    biz=lifestyle through occupation AND education
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