Help with Technobeam Error

Hello all, first post here.
I just received a used technobeam which never boots up. Upon power, all led segments light, but it will not go any further.

Advice and guidance are requested for this newbie.

  • Hey Scott,

    Thanks for your reply. I tried XLD last night with interesting and disappointing results.

    I XLD'ed about a dozen times with no apparent result, then the troubled fixture came to life, the display went through a normal startup including home etc. After a couple minutes of normal operation, I power cycled the unit to make sure the fix stayed, and it went back to being comatose. I tried XLDing another dozen or so times with no effect at all.

    Does this help narrow possibilities? I'm thinking I have a board problem, but sure would like a fix thats less expensive than swapping out the mother board.

    Any guidance is appreciated. Glenn
  • Hey Scott,

    Thanks for your reply. I tried XLD last night with interesting and disappointing results.

    I XLD'ed about a dozen times with no apparent result, then the troubled fixture came to life, the display went through a normal startup including home etc. After a couple minutes of normal operation, I power cycled the unit to make sure the fix stayed, and it went back to being comatose. I tried XLDing another dozen or so times with no effect at all.

    Does this help narrow possibilities? I'm thinking I have a board problem, but sure would like a fix thats less expensive than swapping out the mother board.

    Any guidance is appreciated. Glenn
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