Been oferded good deal??? on 4x emulators + controller for low dollars.
No lamps in light units & no idea what model controler is.No idea what there worth.(lamps or the lights):confused:
Can anyone give me a basic run down on what these things are capable of?
Can put some pics on msn if need bee. Offer closes Sunday.ANY HELP APPRECIATED.:rtfm:cANT FIND MUCH INFO SO FAR BUT KEEP LOOKIN.Thanx:Eyecrazy:
  • [quote=Marty Postma]Don't use these!! Not only will they explode, but they will cause your lamp capacitors to fail prematurely as well.

    Knock-offs are exactly substitute for the real thing.

    Great advice! I got a "history of Emulator lamps" from Don@lightparts, and the moral of the story is, use only the original HOL-1000 made by A.R.C. (available from Lightparts).

    There are cheaper substitutes, but Don said they are responsible for most of the reflectors they sell. Last time I had to replace a reflector, it was $75. Condensor lense (also a common lamp explosion victim) was over $100 (IIRC). Add that to the 'bargain' lamp price, and it's no longer a bargain (not to mention the time the instrument is out of service waiting for replacement parts.)
  • [quote=Marty Postma]Don't use these!! Not only will they explode, but they will cause your lamp capacitors to fail prematurely as well.

    Knock-offs are exactly substitute for the real thing.

    Great advice! I got a "history of Emulator lamps" from Don@lightparts, and the moral of the story is, use only the original HOL-1000 made by A.R.C. (available from Lightparts).

    There are cheaper substitutes, but Don said they are responsible for most of the reflectors they sell. Last time I had to replace a reflector, it was $75. Condensor lense (also a common lamp explosion victim) was over $100 (IIRC). Add that to the 'bargain' lamp price, and it's no longer a bargain (not to mention the time the instrument is out of service waiting for replacement parts.)
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