Cyberlight Fixed Gobo Wheel

Does anybody have any ideas how to fix the problem of loose fixed gobos. Over time the clasps have lost their strength and now I'm getting light bleed around the gobo. I'm not sure what possible substance to use due to heat and gravity when applying? Any ideas?

A second issue is dealing with haze fluid excess in my Cyber fixtures dripping all over the stage? I've used gaff tape to tape up the gaps which helps a little but if anyone has any tips on this it would help?

  • Cheers Frank, the venue is the main theatre onboard the Golden Princess (6 Yrs old) Which has 32 Cyber lights, I know the cleaning takes a minimum of 2 hours per fixture. I adjust the haze output for the different shows we have, some demand more than others. The hazer position is at LX bar level offstage in perches SL & SR. Aside from fixing them to the LX bars themselves it's kind of the only place. Thanks for all the advice though, I better get started as I have a lot to do. I don't think these fixtures have ever been cleaned !!!! Anyway thanks again
  • Cheers Frank, the venue is the main theatre onboard the Golden Princess (6 Yrs old) Which has 32 Cyber lights, I know the cleaning takes a minimum of 2 hours per fixture. I adjust the haze output for the different shows we have, some demand more than others. The hazer position is at LX bar level offstage in perches SL & SR. Aside from fixing them to the LX bars themselves it's kind of the only place. Thanks for all the advice though, I better get started as I have a lot to do. I don't think these fixtures have ever been cleaned !!!! Anyway thanks again
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