Repair manuals?

A long long time ago when I first was trained on Cyberlights I was given a manual that contained instructions for pretty much everything. Step by step guides for replacing/repairing every possible problem on the unit. I lost it years ago and haven't really needed it until now. And I need it badly.

I'm currently floating in the Pacific with a very old and beaten down Studio Spot/Studio Color/Cyberlight/Technobeam rig that has problems of every nature. I haven't torn open alot of these lights in years and step by step instructions would take alot of time out of the process. I went looking around the High End website and I can't seem to find anything. I mean, I found the basic manual but really isn't helpful. Does anyone know/remember the manual I'm talking about and know where I can find it online? Thanks.

  • [QUOTE=Puffyfish;14281]I have the manuals. 4 in binders including all back to 1990.:headbang: I also have ver 5 of the service reference on CD. The man file is 134 megs. I can e-mail it to you is your server can handle it zipped @112 megs.

    PM me your e-mail I have the file ready to send. With a t-1 line its no problem.

    Sometimes being a HES pack rat is a good thing!:D

    In similar scenario as the original thread starter. A long time client & old friend recently acquired a number of Trackspots in trade. The majority of these are showing major signs of improper storage, service, age & all-around neglect. Needless to say this is a shame as they really were wonderful units in their day (& still very good IMHO). Their new owner is dead set on restoring them & so I have my work cut out for me. Given the situation, I imagine the material might be of great help.
  • [QUOTE=Puffyfish;14281]I have the manuals. 4 in binders including all back to 1990.:headbang: I also have ver 5 of the service reference on CD. The man file is 134 megs. I can e-mail it to you is your server can handle it zipped @112 megs.

    PM me your e-mail I have the file ready to send. With a t-1 line its no problem.

    Sometimes being a HES pack rat is a good thing!:D

    In similar scenario as the original thread starter. A long time client & old friend recently acquired a number of Trackspots in trade. The majority of these are showing major signs of improper storage, service, age & all-around neglect. Needless to say this is a shame as they really were wonderful units in their day (& still very good IMHO). Their new owner is dead set on restoring them & so I have my work cut out for me. Given the situation, I imagine the material might be of great help.
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