I have two studio colors 575s right next to each other, and one of them will not illuminate. The lamp is struck, and no errors appear, but the shutter won't open or something. Would that motor go out and not trigger an error?
Yes, if that motor fails there is no error, As there is no sensor for that motor, It homes to a hard stop. The iris on a color also will not trigger a error if the motor fails. With the problem you are having, it could be either the shutter or the iris has failed.
And FYI On the studio spot, focus, frost, iris, and both shutter motors all home to stops, so no errors if they fail.
Yes, if that motor fails there is no error, As there is no sensor for that motor, It homes to a hard stop. The iris on a color also will not trigger a error if the motor fails. With the problem you are having, it could be either the shutter or the iris has failed.
And FYI On the studio spot, focus, frost, iris, and both shutter motors all home to stops, so no errors if they fail.