Hi HES folks...

Just wonder if the shotgun is the new 1400W fixture the buz has have been around for, or is it coming a real gobo/color mix/zoom fixture?

jan o
  • Arrgggh. I meant to post this sooner.

    Thanks to Brad and Richard for the personal Showgun preview right before shipping.

    I was really impressed, and somewhat surprised, by what I saw at HES.

    Everyone has talked about the output, the LEDs, and most everything else that makes this fixture one-of-a-kind, but I haven't seen a ton of discussion regarding the projection of patterns and breakups.

    When I saw the first Showgun video, I was excited to see the addition of a rotating gobo wheel to the fixture. Having worked with the breakup patterns available in the latest Syncrolites, I knw that this might be a useful feature at times.

    What I saw in Austin blew me away. The aerial breakups coming out of this fixture are crisp and punchy. And as usual, High End has thrown in some of the best stock patterns in the industry.

    Anyone who is still trying to compare this fixture to anything else should probably stop right now. It's not a VL. It's not a Mac. It's not a Syncrolite. Showgun is a very unique fixture, and I think that HES has hit a home-run.


  • Arrgggh. I meant to post this sooner.

    Thanks to Brad and Richard for the personal Showgun preview right before shipping.

    I was really impressed, and somewhat surprised, by what I saw at HES.

    Everyone has talked about the output, the LEDs, and most everything else that makes this fixture one-of-a-kind, but I haven't seen a ton of discussion regarding the projection of patterns and breakups.

    When I saw the first Showgun video, I was excited to see the addition of a rotating gobo wheel to the fixture. Having worked with the breakup patterns available in the latest Syncrolites, I knw that this might be a useful feature at times.

    What I saw in Austin blew me away. The aerial breakups coming out of this fixture are crisp and punchy. And as usual, High End has thrown in some of the best stock patterns in the industry.

    Anyone who is still trying to compare this fixture to anything else should probably stop right now. It's not a VL. It's not a Mac. It's not a Syncrolite. Showgun is a very unique fixture, and I think that HES has hit a home-run.


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