How can I improve my design skills as a programmer?

I am still rather new to working professionally in this field and after the last few gigs that I did I was told that I need to work on my design skills and knowledge. I am looking for any advice and works of wisdom on how to improve on this. What are the good books, are there any classes that would help? How about exercises or anything that helped you. Thanks for your time.
  • Design skills vary from project to project, what I believed helped me out was going from running a million one off shows that no doubt I would say were extremely busy and the moving lights were doing exactly that moving all the time. This work gave me great experience with programming and understanding various consoles but the end output was no doubt a but mad. You realise after a while too much looks like crap, get some dvds amd go to few big shows designed by people who are innovators or well regarded in the industry, when you take a step back and look at these kind of peoples work you will see a lot of the design is simple yet intricate and very clean with little live movement. Also most of my work is in the touring rock sector and timing is everything, learn your clients songs inside out and you will go far. Keep it simple.
  • Design skills vary from project to project, what I believed helped me out was going from running a million one off shows that no doubt I would say were extremely busy and the moving lights were doing exactly that moving all the time. This work gave me great experience with programming and understanding various consoles but the end output was no doubt a but mad. You realise after a while too much looks like crap, get some dvds amd go to few big shows designed by people who are innovators or well regarded in the industry, when you take a step back and look at these kind of peoples work you will see a lot of the design is simple yet intricate and very clean with little live movement. Also most of my work is in the touring rock sector and timing is everything, learn your clients songs inside out and you will go far. Keep it simple.
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