Fixture address vs. DMX channel

On my Studio Color 575 and Spots CMY, what's the difference between addressing them via fixture number or DMX starting channel?

The reason why I ask, is my rental house was out of HogII's for this last minute gig I had. I got this new Maxim LP board by LSC Lighting.

My Spots are fine, but my Colors jitter around. They function fine, all effects are accessible, as well as pan/tilt. But when they should be staying still, they are moving left/right up/down just a if they're making a square shape. All my dmx is fine, terminators used...I've dealt with Colors for a long time and have never had these issues.

Someone commented that they changed the Color to use Fix number instead of starting DMX channel. I won't be able to try this till tomorrow...but what would the difference even be between the two?

  • I fixed the problem, but fairly mickey moused.

    What was happening is the first patched fixture would operate fine. Then when I would add a second fixture they would start to do that little dance. I figured that there was some DMX conflict, because once I took the board out of the equation, problem solved.

    So instead of letting the board auto patch the fixtures to the next available DMX spot, I did it manually and spaced them out a good 5 channels apart. So for instance, StudioColor1 automatically took ch 1-16, then the board would patch StudioColor2 at 17-33 ect, ect. What I did was patch fixture 1 at 1-16 like normal, but then started fixture 2's patch at like 20, and followed this same pattern for all fixtures.

    I don't really know the root of this problem. One other person posted the same problem on Maxim's message board back in 2006 and never really got a response.

    I'll tell you what, this board is no Hog and for this show at least, I'm missing it more and more every day!
  • I fixed the problem, but fairly mickey moused.

    What was happening is the first patched fixture would operate fine. Then when I would add a second fixture they would start to do that little dance. I figured that there was some DMX conflict, because once I took the board out of the equation, problem solved.

    So instead of letting the board auto patch the fixtures to the next available DMX spot, I did it manually and spaced them out a good 5 channels apart. So for instance, StudioColor1 automatically took ch 1-16, then the board would patch StudioColor2 at 17-33 ect, ect. What I did was patch fixture 1 at 1-16 like normal, but then started fixture 2's patch at like 20, and followed this same pattern for all fixtures.

    I don't really know the root of this problem. One other person posted the same problem on Maxim's message board back in 2006 and never really got a response.

    I'll tell you what, this board is no Hog and for this show at least, I'm missing it more and more every day!
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