Intellabeam 700hx has issues

I posted a while back about a problem I thought was dmx related. I have since checked and changed all the cables and went over the internal solder connections on the data board. Here is the updated condition. I am running a 10 fixture setup and currently this one is number 8 in the line. When starting up it cycles fine and then begins to "flutter". More specifically, with the shutter and gobo open and the dimmer at full no matter where the mirror is positioned the fixture "blinks" continually. The shutter flashes and the mirror moves to like a "home" position. It will continue to do this even if the dmx cable is unplugged for a moment. I have another data board but it has problems too. where is the best place to start? Any ideas would be apprectiated. The whole system is as follows: colortran innovator 72/144, 8-intellabeam 700hx, 2-meteor elipscans.
  • I haven't used i-beams myself, but i've noticed on some trackspots that the address DIP switches sometimes get flaky, and cause problems similar to what you're describing. I have one fixture that has that problem currently, but it goes away if you physically hold the dip switches in position. Doesn't work for a show, but that's how I determined the problem was the DIP switch. I had thought that it was addressed incorrectly, and was using a small screwdriver to adjust the switches, when I held the lowest order switch in place, the behaviour stopped, and life seemed better. Now I just need to pull the thing apart and replace that switch.
  • I haven't used i-beams myself, but i've noticed on some trackspots that the address DIP switches sometimes get flaky, and cause problems similar to what you're describing. I have one fixture that has that problem currently, but it goes away if you physically hold the dip switches in position. Doesn't work for a show, but that's how I determined the problem was the DIP switch. I had thought that it was addressed incorrectly, and was using a small screwdriver to adjust the switches, when I held the lowest order switch in place, the behaviour stopped, and life seemed better. Now I just need to pull the thing apart and replace that switch.
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