wow, studio commands are punchy!

Got to use 8 Studio command 700's the other day and WOW. What a difference. These boys blow the shutters off Studio colors and beams. And they're quiet too! Hot restrike was also a big plus, during set up someone cranked up the support and shredded the DMX line shutting down all lamps. Had to wait half an hour to get the studio spots back on but the commands were back up in a minute.

The LD for the show (i was system tech) was also floored by them. He had requested Mac 600 wash units or studio beams. Needless to say he was thrilled with the results of these fixtures. With 8 of them we were able to wash the entire choir and church Naive very dramaticaly (9 stories high mind you).

Anyone else have some prior experience with them? They were a rental for me but I've been looking for a wash fixture for a while that could really saturate well and i think i've found it. Hoping to add some to inventory soon. Any known issues i should be concerned with?
  • You know what's interesting is that the LD on the show I was on commented that they have great red's for a CMY fixture. He said he's never happy with the red's of the Mac 600's he was used to using. I'm with you i thought the blue's were great. I've never seen the tungsten version in action.

    nice to know you havent had problems with them. This is why whenever my boss tells me to look into the cheaper brands I stand my ground. High End fixtures just seem to work most of the time.
  • You know what's interesting is that the LD on the show I was on commented that they have great red's for a CMY fixture. He said he's never happy with the red's of the Mac 600's he was used to using. I'm with you i thought the blue's were great. I've never seen the tungsten version in action.

    nice to know you havent had problems with them. This is why whenever my boss tells me to look into the cheaper brands I stand my ground. High End fixtures just seem to work most of the time.
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