A couple of issues.

These units are fantastic, I'm really enjoying playing with them. But I seem to have stumbled on a couple of problems.

I seem to be having a problem with Layer Transparency. Moving through the values of Transparency on any given image changes nothing.

I also posted an issue in the Hog 3 requests section but I'll touch on it briefly here, all of the other LED fixtures in our rig, when the Saturation is set at 0, the fixture is on in white. With the Show and Studiopix, when the saturation and or CMY values are set at white the fixture defaults off, Though moving CMY and Saturation will gain a color without having to have any image selected.

We seem to have an issue with color temperature difference between the four units we have. Two of the units are defaulting more towards 3200k, with one fixture almost right at, while two are 5600. I'll put a note on the fixtures when we send em back.

Mainly I feel that I haven't had nearly enough time with these fixtures. We've used em as wash units, and as image surfaces. The versatility of these things rocks. I am highly impressed and wished I had much more time to explore the massive world these can put into a show.
  • Brian,

    Regarding transparencies.. you need to have a proper "transition mode" setup on the global layer. The two image layers need to be layed out correctly for transparencies to work. Please refer to the SHOWPIX user manual as there are some great graphics and text to describe this.

    As for the saturation, The SHOWPIX library on the Wholehog defaults into CMY mode and works more like an automated fixture than a RGB LED fixture. If you select the solid white image (Lens folder, file 1) then you will see that the fixture works as expected with Hue and Saturation. When in RGB color mode, then the color modifiers do indeed add RGB values when no image is selected (or add to an existing image)

    The color temperature comments are interesting. We will have to check into that.
  • Brian,

    Regarding transparencies.. you need to have a proper "transition mode" setup on the global layer. The two image layers need to be layed out correctly for transparencies to work. Please refer to the SHOWPIX user manual as there are some great graphics and text to describe this.

    As for the saturation, The SHOWPIX library on the Wholehog defaults into CMY mode and works more like an automated fixture than a RGB LED fixture. If you select the solid white image (Lens folder, file 1) then you will see that the fixture works as expected with Hue and Saturation. When in RGB color mode, then the color modifiers do indeed add RGB values when no image is selected (or add to an existing image)

    The color temperature comments are interesting. We will have to check into that.
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