X-spot Tilt Fail

I have seen this error on several different xspots, and have never been able to nail it down.

What happens is, when powered up, the fixture seems to start to home, but the tilt 3phase board never intitilizes.
The end result is a tilt fail error on the display.
and the tilt motor is never powered up.
you can push the head and there is no resisitance.

As a side problem with this error,
The fixture will still strike the lamp with this problem, and doesn't seem to notice that there are no fans running in the head, as well as that it cannot see the head temp sensors.
This has caused several of my xspots to have melted bezels.

Cycling power always fixes it, but you never know when it will happen again.
Also, homing the fixture does not seem to fix it. the tilt fail error stays.
so if the fixture is hung somewhere in the rig that it cannot be easily powered down, it is stuck for the remainder of the show.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Joshua Wood
  • Hey Tim,
    To be honest, I gave up on it,
    it only happens once in a while, and as much as it annoys, there is only so much refurb budget to go around.
    It is a very difficult thing to pin down, as it is very intermittent.
    For now I am just going to have my touring folk keep a close eye out for the the tilt fail error.
    And if it shows up, have them cycle the power to the fixture to fix it.
    It probably is just another of those xspot errors that seem to happen.
    Oh well.
    Thanks for the help,
    I appreciate it.
  • Hey Tim,
    To be honest, I gave up on it,
    it only happens once in a while, and as much as it annoys, there is only so much refurb budget to go around.
    It is a very difficult thing to pin down, as it is very intermittent.
    For now I am just going to have my touring folk keep a close eye out for the the tilt fail error.
    And if it shows up, have them cycle the power to the fixture to fix it.
    It probably is just another of those xspot errors that seem to happen.
    Oh well.
    Thanks for the help,
    I appreciate it.
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