My trackspot powers up but I get the beeping error sound. It will not go thru the homing sequence and will not lamp! I have blown the light out so I don't think it is a dust issue on one of the sensors. I am leaning towards a mirror motor issue. Any help?
Usually it means that a sensor is either dirty or has gone bad.
Does the fixture "look" for the color/gobo wheels on power-up? Or does it go straight to the "sing-song" noise?
Check the gate/shutter as well. Sometimes it gets bent when lamps are repaced carelessly and it can lodge itself in the color wheel sensor and/or break the sensor.
Yeah...It looks for the color and gobo wheels and then goes to the error noise. I did check and make sure none of the wheels including the shutter were touching each other.
OK...well when it is "finding" the color/gobo wheels......can you tell if it is "seeing" the homing notches? You will be able to tell if it is having a problem with one wheel as opposed to the other b/c it will stop one wheel once it has found the notch.....but the other will keep spinning.
The Gobo, Color, and Shutter wheels are fine I Think. The mirror will move from one side to the other and then I get the Error Sound. I disconnected the 4 wire plug going into the mirror motor just being curious and I didn't recieve the error sound! What gives?