Dealing with a tempermental trackspot

Ok, apparently someone made this light mad. First thing was Vreg2 was missing. I replaced it and it was really mad lights blinking, motors shaking, followed by a little smoke from somewhere around C42. I quickly unplugged it. Apparently that missing Vreg2 was replaced into the home of Vreg1. So I got that fixed. Its happier now, but what is happening is the fan is not turning on, and the fan led is barely glowing, followed by the famous error tone. I do not get the error when all the dip switches are off, but when i put it in self test I do. Is this due to something going on with the fan circuit. I am guessing all of the chips may have seen 12 V down the 5V line due to the vreg being in the wrong place. Any ideas. The wheels do home correctly.

BTW the board is the red one V1.5 with the V2.1 Eprom. Also does someone have a link to the older bin files so i can install version 2.5.

After further investigation, the Fan light comes on like normal if i unplug the fan but if i plug the fan back in it dims down to almost being out. The fan being connected or disconnected does not make a difference in the error tone.
  • ok, i have gotten further, it will now go into self test and the lamp should come on (i had a meter on it but not a lamp), but the fan still does not work. I am getting 26V at the terminals until i plug in the fan and then the voltage drops down to around 2.46

    I just remembered when cybers do the same thing if you ground the neg side of the fan it should work (indicating the fan controller is bad) and it worked :D

    So what I do know is the fan controller needs to be replaced. Also is it normal for IC8 it get very hot. It also smells like something is burning in that area.
  • ok, i have gotten further, it will now go into self test and the lamp should come on (i had a meter on it but not a lamp), but the fan still does not work. I am getting 26V at the terminals until i plug in the fan and then the voltage drops down to around 2.46

    I just remembered when cybers do the same thing if you ground the neg side of the fan it should work (indicating the fan controller is bad) and it worked :D

    So what I do know is the fan controller needs to be replaced. Also is it normal for IC8 it get very hot. It also smells like something is burning in that area.
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