technobeam color wheel problem

I have a technobeam tha
t just yesterday the color wheel stopped working. It jerks a little like it's trying to move but won't spin. There is a fair amount of resistance when trying to move it by hand, not sure if that's normal. No unusual output on the lcd. Any ideas?

Also I have another one that blew its main fuse, after I replaced it, the unit works fine except shows spinning letters/symbols on the led 24 hours a day, whether on, in use or idle mode.

  • [quote=sosumi;44115]nono, the motor doesn't move without power, with the light on and doing a routine with the other technobeams, everything works fine - gobos, strobe, pan/tilt but it's just stuck on one color, when i open the cover with it on it looks like it's trying to move - i.e. it jerks a little when it's supposed to change but doesn't move on to the next color.

    blown motor?


    I meant will it move easily by hand with no power . . . but if it jerks when trying to change, it's most likely a driver chip. Motors coils are passive devices and very rarely fail . . . Semiconductors go out far more often . . .

    - Tim
  • [quote=sosumi;44115]nono, the motor doesn't move without power, with the light on and doing a routine with the other technobeams, everything works fine - gobos, strobe, pan/tilt but it's just stuck on one color, when i open the cover with it on it looks like it's trying to move - i.e. it jerks a little when it's supposed to change but doesn't move on to the next color.

    blown motor?


    I meant will it move easily by hand with no power . . . but if it jerks when trying to change, it's most likely a driver chip. Motors coils are passive devices and very rarely fail . . . Semiconductors go out far more often . . .

    - Tim
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