gobo jumping anyone?

So heres a software idea for the movers. instead of doing a continous gobo spin having a function in there where it will jump to the next gobo as quick as it can so if you have the function going a 60 rpm a minute and the wheel takes a half second to go to the next gobo it would once its done spinning it would stop for the other half second and than jump again. So its more flashey than a smooth spin and easier than having to program a chase.
  • [QUOTE=lightman02;47285]There is a built in radom chase function that will snap the gobos into place but it's random and they won't go in any particular order. As far as having that snap and spin quickly, I would think it would cause gear clashing problems with the rotator trying to stop that fast and the wheel spinning at the same time.

    Ah I remember I dont work with highend movers enough any more but the gobo motors should be built to with stand that type of beating on it anyways.
  • [QUOTE=lightman02;47285]There is a built in radom chase function that will snap the gobos into place but it's random and they won't go in any particular order. As far as having that snap and spin quickly, I would think it would cause gear clashing problems with the rotator trying to stop that fast and the wheel spinning at the same time.

    Ah I remember I dont work with highend movers enough any more but the gobo motors should be built to with stand that type of beating on it anyways.
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