Good Afternoon,
I have issues with my two Studio Spot 575 CMYs. I replaced the lamps in both fixtures as routine maintenance and then that evening, they would not strike and were both giving me LEER. Both lamps were fresh out the box so I assumed they were good, but I swapped them out with two others from a different timeframe from my lamp inventory (in case I had somehow gotten some defective lamps) But they still would not strike.
I took the instruments down and started testing. I am not hearing any clicks on the ignitor, and in fact have no power going into the ignitors. The fuses on my lamp supply boards are all good. I visually inspected the lamp supply boards and see no obvious damage anywhere. I tried to give a hard command to strike the lamps using the jumper on the lamp supply board, but still nothing is coming out to go to the Ignitor board. I have reset all the hours on the instrument and have good lamps in both.
Am I correct in assuming the problem is in my Lamp Supply Board? What would cause two instruments to fail at exactly the same time in this manner? Did changing the lamps cause both of my Lamp Power Supply boards to go out?
Am I missing something that should be obvious?