Cyberlight data issue

Sometimes when you think you've seen it all this gets thrown at you.
I have 3 cyberlights with dmx daisied togeather with the first line coming out of a splitter. We turned them on and as we did a dimmer check everything worked fine. A few minutes later i noticed the intensity of those 3 cybers was at 0%. Guessing a data cable got damaged i sent a guy up with a new one. He replaced it and all 3 snapped back on, but before my guy could get half way down they went out again. I had him pull out the in and out dmx lines and plug them togeather to bypass the fixture but still nothing. I had to get another line and go strait to the 2nd fixture so i would atleast heve 2 out of 3. Some how the cyber is burning out the dmx coming in but not damaging the out. Any ideas?
  • [QUOTE=M.E. this;55311]
    I had him pull out the in and out dmx lines and plug them togeather to bypass the fixture but still nothing.

    You just proved that the Cyber has nothing to do with the problem - you failed without it. As others have said, termination could well be the issue, or a problem in one of the other units pulling the entire loop down.

    Start with the terminator - it's easiest. And if you have one in place, try a different one!

    - Tim
  • [QUOTE=M.E. this;55311]
    I had him pull out the in and out dmx lines and plug them togeather to bypass the fixture but still nothing.

    You just proved that the Cyber has nothing to do with the problem - you failed without it. As others have said, termination could well be the issue, or a problem in one of the other units pulling the entire loop down.

    Start with the terminator - it's easiest. And if you have one in place, try a different one!

    - Tim
No Data