Cyberlight CX Litho position and gobo problem

Hello to everybody,

I was looking around the forum but i didn't find similar problems.

First problem is with the tilt. Whenever i switch on the scanner and it finish to reset it doesn't go in to home position, all i have to do to put it in home position is to tilt it to max and it jumps into home position, after that it works fine. I already replace the motor brake but the problem persist.

Second one is about the Gobo after some time, about 1h or so, the scanner is on it just start to go wrong with the rotating gobo. I have to switch it off and wait to cool down to switch it on again, after that start to work ok again. I have to tell that this doesn't happen every time, some day it works fine for hours...

Thanks in advance
  • Is the mirror loose with no power, or will it hold position? I know you replaced the brake, but the only time I have seen this is when the fixture homes, there is a point in the homing cycle when the motors lose power briefly, and if the brakes don't hold, the mirror will drop and lose home.

    I can't comment on the gobo question, since I can't really understand your description of the problem.

    - Tim
  • Is the mirror loose with no power, or will it hold position? I know you replaced the brake, but the only time I have seen this is when the fixture homes, there is a point in the homing cycle when the motors lose power briefly, and if the brakes don't hold, the mirror will drop and lose home.

    I can't comment on the gobo question, since I can't really understand your description of the problem.

    - Tim
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