Software Update older Sola Fixture

I inherited some "older" HES Sola lamps.
They have never had a software update done.
They log into the concert as follows:
SolaFrame 1500, Software V.1.0.14
SolaWash FX 1000 (manufacturer Barco) Software V2.0.4
SolaHyBeam 1000 Software V2.0.7 and V2.0.6

Does anyone know what has changed with the newer software for the lamps?

  • The latest version of SolaFrame 1500 Software is V1.0.14, there have been no changes since then.

    SolaWash FX 1000 and SolaHyBeam 1000 are interesting, because they are actually the same product. After ETC acquired High End Systems we renamed the SolaWash FX 1000 to SolaHyBeam 1000 to streamline our naming standards. The latest firmware for this fixture is the 2.0.7 and it is available here. The details of changes can be read in the readme file at that location. but it appears to be:

    Release notes for version 1.0.6 - 2 May 19
    Fix LED/Fixture hour reset bug

    Release notes for version 2.0.6 - 27 Feb 2018
    Self-Test added to menu
    Improves LED Stability at very low dim.

    I don't see what changes were specifically done for V2.0.7

  • The latest version of SolaFrame 1500 Software is V1.0.14, there have been no changes since then.

    SolaWash FX 1000 and SolaHyBeam 1000 are interesting, because they are actually the same product. After ETC acquired High End Systems we renamed the SolaWash FX 1000 to SolaHyBeam 1000 to streamline our naming standards. The latest firmware for this fixture is the 2.0.7 and it is available here. The details of changes can be read in the readme file at that location. but it appears to be:

    Release notes for version 1.0.6 - 2 May 19
    Fix LED/Fixture hour reset bug

    Release notes for version 2.0.6 - 27 Feb 2018
    Self-Test added to menu
    Improves LED Stability at very low dim.

    I don't see what changes were specifically done for V2.0.7
