Solapix 19 changing the refresh rate to 2.4 kh (b) changes the color rendering of the fixture


I work in a PAC that has a dozen Solapix 19, with CPU V.2,  for our main performance hall.  I switched the refresh rate to 2.4 kHz (B) to get improved low end dimming.  I noticed that this results in a wildly different color rendering when using the color picker in ETC Apex 5 lighting console.  Additionally, my color pallets that I built, while the fixture's refresh rate was in 24 kHz (default mode), now seem to be very off in terms of color. I am fine with the reduction in max intensity output when the refresh rate is 2.4 kHz (b) mode. as I never run the fixture at full in my venue.  

Is there any way to get the color picker to produce the same colors in 2.4 kHz (b) that I got when the refresh rate is set to the standard 2.4 kHz? 

Should I just build a custom profile for the 2.4 kHz (b) refresh rate with the color parameters adjusted so that the color picker is more accurate?

  • Thank you for this message.

    When consoles use color pickers on additive fixtures, they rely on a linear intensity curve for the colors so that the color intensity is predictable from one bit to the next bit. On the original refresh rates we used a linear color intensity curve to achieve the even color control that you experienced in the past.

    However, in order to improve the dimming on the fixture a non-linear color curve is necessary, it takes the bottom 10% or so of the color intensity and flattens it out to give you the slow fade out that you desire from the 2.4kHz(B) mode.

    Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find a way to compensate for a non-linear color intensity fade in the console, and the fixture can not have the smooth dimming at the low end without it.

    I am not certain that a custom profile can solve the problem, if you do have luck with it I would love to hear about it because my conversations with our console and color specialists have led me to understand that it will not solve the challenge.

    I am sorry that this doesn't help, if you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask.

  • Thank you for this message.

    When consoles use color pickers on additive fixtures, they rely on a linear intensity curve for the colors so that the color intensity is predictable from one bit to the next bit. On the original refresh rates we used a linear color intensity curve to achieve the even color control that you experienced in the past.

    However, in order to improve the dimming on the fixture a non-linear color curve is necessary, it takes the bottom 10% or so of the color intensity and flattens it out to give you the slow fade out that you desire from the 2.4kHz(B) mode.

    Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find a way to compensate for a non-linear color intensity fade in the console, and the fixture can not have the smooth dimming at the low end without it.

    I am not certain that a custom profile can solve the problem, if you do have luck with it I would love to hear about it because my conversations with our console and color specialists have led me to understand that it will not solve the challenge.

    I am sorry that this doesn't help, if you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask.

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