I work in a PAC that has a dozen Solapix 19, with CPU V.2, for our main performance hall. I switched the refresh rate to 2.4 kHz (B) to get improved low end dimming. I noticed that this results in a wildly different color rendering when using the color picker in ETC Apex 5 lighting console. Additionally, my color pallets that I built, while the fixture's refresh rate was in 24 kHz (default mode), now seem to be very off in terms of color. I am fine with the reduction in max intensity output when the refresh rate is 2.4 kHz (b) mode. as I never run the fixture at full in my venue.
Is there any way to get the color picker to produce the same colors in 2.4 kHz (b) that I got when the refresh rate is set to the standard 2.4 kHz?
Should I just build a custom profile for the 2.4 kHz (b) refresh rate with the color parameters adjusted so that the color picker is more accurate?