
Hi every one
Where could we find the Patch LIbrairy for DML1200

  • Hi Abbe,

    ok, I followed your steps in the quick start. I had my RoadHog, Laptop running CMA, and mediawing running the PT all cat5 into a switch.

    when I select DHCP on the DML network, all values become 0..

    I am getting abit confuse here, should it be set ARTnet for the DML? Also, what abt the mediawing, artnet address also?

    My laptop is set to obtain Ip automatically and I get detect the exon server.

    But I cant seems to control anything from my console via cat5 cables.

  • Hi Abbe,

    ok, I followed your steps in the quick start. I had my RoadHog, Laptop running CMA, and mediawing running the PT all cat5 into a switch.

    when I select DHCP on the DML network, all values become 0..

    I am getting abit confuse here, should it be set ARTnet for the DML? Also, what abt the mediawing, artnet address also?

    My laptop is set to obtain Ip automatically and I get detect the exon server.

    But I cant seems to control anything from my console via cat5 cables.

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