
Hi every one
Where could we find the Patch LIbrairy for DML1200

  • Hi Erwin,

    Now i remember :)


    1.You should NOT use CMA, it does NOT work with your DML-1200. For your DML-1200 with EMP you need: Mediawing with EMP Manager OR EMP Manger SD on your lap top. You will also need Projectror Tool Set
    2.After starting the DML-1200 and WAIT 5min, get into the NETWORK settings.
    3. Select Setting ARTNET
    4. Put your Laptop or Mediawing on IP Adress same as DML but different last number like:
    5. Launch the ProjetorToolSet and ADD DEVICE until you have them in the set up.
    6. With one of the DMLs selected Get to the Communications tab, click advanced and check that there are TWO adresess, one for the DML and one for the EMP.

    Let me know when you have done this.
  • Hi Erwin,

    Now i remember :)


    1.You should NOT use CMA, it does NOT work with your DML-1200. For your DML-1200 with EMP you need: Mediawing with EMP Manager OR EMP Manger SD on your lap top. You will also need Projectror Tool Set
    2.After starting the DML-1200 and WAIT 5min, get into the NETWORK settings.
    3. Select Setting ARTNET
    4. Put your Laptop or Mediawing on IP Adress same as DML but different last number like:
    5. Launch the ProjetorToolSet and ADD DEVICE until you have them in the set up.
    6. With one of the DMLs selected Get to the Communications tab, click advanced and check that there are TWO adresess, one for the DML and one for the EMP.

    Let me know when you have done this.
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