IP Address reset?

Hey guys

Wanted to ask why my DL2s might be reseting their IP address and not responding to the CMA without soft reseting the servers? Zod had me soft reset the servers to get them to respond to my CMA for content upload. Prior to returning back on the road with their main tour for the year, i have them at a small church gig and wanted to see about fixing this issue so i can upload more content with our tour setup of Hub & cbale loom.

I am using version of software with CMA release as well. As for playback this software version has been great out with the tour. Just now having problems with DL2s not wanting to play nice with the Cat5 setup and CMA within my laptop.

  • Yes they are jumping around from 169..... to the 127.... and back. even when i leave them alone they still jump around. in fact last week i had them up and running for about 3 hours then tried to upload some new photos, but after an hour of them doing this and not being able to lock on, we gave up to finish our focus and get ready for soundcheck.

    kind of a let down from the LDs point of view.

    as for wireless, i keep my wireless card turned off during this time of working with the DL2 units.

    so far the only thing i found that has worked and it only works if i go to each light seperating is soft reseting. i would love to go back to the hub device, makes uploading so much faster for me and the clients.

  • Yes they are jumping around from 169..... to the 127.... and back. even when i leave them alone they still jump around. in fact last week i had them up and running for about 3 hours then tried to upload some new photos, but after an hour of them doing this and not being able to lock on, we gave up to finish our focus and get ready for soundcheck.

    kind of a let down from the LDs point of view.

    as for wireless, i keep my wireless card turned off during this time of working with the DL2 units.

    so far the only thing i found that has worked and it only works if i go to each light seperating is soft reseting. i would love to go back to the hub device, makes uploading so much faster for me and the clients.

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