Since uploading onto my heads I now have 4 heads showing FILTER LIFE OUT ERROR and 2 heads showing FILTER SERVICE WARN.

Do these bad boys really need changing or can I ignore the warnings?
  • David,

    One more thing to check: Make sure that both blower fans are running in the head of the fixtures. If not, this can cause filter warnings/errors even though the filters are clean. There's a connector near each fan, and the plug where connect to the circuit board in the head. The plugs are at the top of the card, each with a solid red and solid blue wire.

    If you can't get the filter to go away, instead of black gaff tape, you can turn off the display. There is a small row of 4 buttons to the right of the display (to the right if it is hanging). The button closest to the green LED is the power button for the LCD display. Hold that down for a second and the screen will turn off.
  • David,

    One more thing to check: Make sure that both blower fans are running in the head of the fixtures. If not, this can cause filter warnings/errors even though the filters are clean. There's a connector near each fan, and the plug where connect to the circuit board in the head. The plugs are at the top of the card, each with a solid red and solid blue wire.

    If you can't get the filter to go away, instead of black gaff tape, you can turn off the display. There is a small row of 4 buttons to the right of the display (to the right if it is hanging). The button closest to the green LED is the power button for the LCD display. Hold that down for a second and the screen will turn off.
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