axon DMX View

Hey Folks,
On the Axon,
I would like there to be a option to see the DMX view of any DL2/Axon on the network.

This would make it much easier to set up a collage on a desk that does not have the ability to see all 256 steps of a DMX channel

There could just be a tab at the top of the screen with the names of all the DL2/axon's on the network.

This also would be a nice addition to the CMA in general for both PC and Mac.

Joshua Wood
Service Manager
Ruehling Associates Inc.
  • A bit bold but one thing to think about...
    On my hog 3, I love to have my programmer open.
    I do however need screen real-estate.
    If the CMA could show a window showing the DMX in a "programmer/editor" style format then I would be very happy.
    Obviously this would not be easy to do since the editors on a hog 3 show palettes in them but perhaps using the same linking software that the visualizers use, there might be a possibility.
    For now though, simply a table view that showed the file, folder, the name of the color fx or vis fx, and the value of the different states would totally rock!
  • A bit bold but one thing to think about...
    On my hog 3, I love to have my programmer open.
    I do however need screen real-estate.
    If the CMA could show a window showing the DMX in a "programmer/editor" style format then I would be very happy.
    Obviously this would not be easy to do since the editors on a hog 3 show palettes in them but perhaps using the same linking software that the visualizers use, there might be a possibility.
    For now though, simply a table view that showed the file, folder, the name of the color fx or vis fx, and the value of the different states would totally rock!
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