directX option


I want to know which option is selected in the directX-protocoll , that custom content which is bigger than 1024 x 768 (e.g. 1500 x 1400 and no 4:3 aspect ratio) can be shown with the small resolution of the projector (and no cut offs or big contortion.

best wishes

  • Marty's info is correct.

    The system operates in either 1024x1024 or 2048x2048. Once you load in content that exceed 1024x1024 it automatically switches to a 2048x2048 texture.

    If you are creating content to use as a Collage then you'll want to refer to the following web page for reccommended resolutions as you'll have to create the content in non-standard formats to maintain a proper aspect ratio as it is stretched across the multiple fixtures.

    Pre-dicing the content as SourceChild suggests for each projector is a lot more work than is necessary with the Collage system in DL.2.
  • Marty's info is correct.

    The system operates in either 1024x1024 or 2048x2048. Once you load in content that exceed 1024x1024 it automatically switches to a 2048x2048 texture.

    If you are creating content to use as a Collage then you'll want to refer to the following web page for reccommended resolutions as you'll have to create the content in non-standard formats to maintain a proper aspect ratio as it is stretched across the multiple fixtures.

    Pre-dicing the content as SourceChild suggests for each projector is a lot more work than is necessary with the Collage system in DL.2.
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