Switching S-Video input

Are there any know issues/bugs regarding upgrade package and switching the S-Video input. We have used the feature numerous times before upgrading the fixtures and we now cannot seem to get the units to switch to S-Video input. Also are there may document changes to the manual that would require a re-print of the entire publication.
  • Scott,we were using one unit as the camera and the other the projector.
    We have control of the camera functions on one unit but can't seem to be able to activate the other other unit in regards to it's input. We even tried sending S-Video from another source. We were very successuful doing this in the past before the upgrade without any problems. For some unknown reson we are not having any luck thus the reason for the post. I did not know if any of the upgrade features effected any of those functions or if maybe we need to re-print the manual to discover a solution.
    I plan on working with our programmer once again next week to find a solution if there are no known bugs/changes. Figured at least it was worth the time to do this post.
  • Scott,we were using one unit as the camera and the other the projector.
    We have control of the camera functions on one unit but can't seem to be able to activate the other other unit in regards to it's input. We even tried sending S-Video from another source. We were very successuful doing this in the past before the upgrade without any problems. For some unknown reson we are not having any luck thus the reason for the post. I did not know if any of the upgrade features effected any of those functions or if maybe we need to re-print the manual to discover a solution.
    I plan on working with our programmer once again next week to find a solution if there are no known bugs/changes. Figured at least it was worth the time to do this post.
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