Fan noise

Can anybody who has used a few DL2's in theatre or corporate "quiet enviroments" comment on the level of fan noise.Is it acceptable / intrusive etc.

  • I haven't used them in a theater production, but i do a lot of theather/musicals/etc and I was lucky enough to spend some days at HES a coupple of weeks ago playing with them, and I personally would have no problem with the noise in any of the productions I do.. They are not silent, but they are sertainly not as noisy as some movers, so unless you have a really low seiling, and a super "quiet" production, I would say you have no problem with them at all..
    -of course noise is very subjective, but i am used to have to take noise into consideration on my productions if that helps..

    -why don't you buy a coupple and try for yourself? -By the time you've found out if they are silent enough or not, you'll be so in love with them that you'll sell your sould to the devil to convince the production manager/boss in charge that you just HAVE to use them ;) ;)
  • I haven't used them in a theater production, but i do a lot of theather/musicals/etc and I was lucky enough to spend some days at HES a coupple of weeks ago playing with them, and I personally would have no problem with the noise in any of the productions I do.. They are not silent, but they are sertainly not as noisy as some movers, so unless you have a really low seiling, and a super "quiet" production, I would say you have no problem with them at all..
    -of course noise is very subjective, but i am used to have to take noise into consideration on my productions if that helps..

    -why don't you buy a coupple and try for yourself? -By the time you've found out if they are silent enough or not, you'll be so in love with them that you'll sell your sould to the devil to convince the production manager/boss in charge that you just HAVE to use them ;) ;)
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