DL.2 v1.3.2 Released!

We have just released verion 1.3.2 of the DL.2 Software today.

This version adds a number of new effects and improvements to the software.

The Press Release for information about new features in this software are located at: www.highend.com/news_events/news/news_detail.asp?news_id=379

The full Release Notes and Software are available at: www.highend.com/support/digital_lighting/DL2andAxonSoftwareUpgrades.asp
  • Do what Matt suggests first...I have seen a few times where the External/Internal relay gets stuck.

    It is also probably worth while checking all the connections to the computer inside the top-box. If you are seeing intermittant signal to the menu screen it could be as simple as a loose connection somewhere in the wire-harness as well (look at the video connectors from the S-video I/O plug).

    You also might want to pull out the comptuer and re-seat the video card (i.e. pull it out and then put it back in).
  • Do what Matt suggests first...I have seen a few times where the External/Internal relay gets stuck.

    It is also probably worth while checking all the connections to the computer inside the top-box. If you are seeing intermittant signal to the menu screen it could be as simple as a loose connection somewhere in the wire-harness as well (look at the video connectors from the S-video I/O plug).

    You also might want to pull out the comptuer and re-seat the video card (i.e. pull it out and then put it back in).
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