DL.2 v1.3.2 Released!

We have just released verion 1.3.2 of the DL.2 Software today.

This version adds a number of new effects and improvements to the software.

The Press Release for information about new features in this software are located at: www.highend.com/news_events/news/news_detail.asp?news_id=379

The full Release Notes and Software are available at: www.highend.com/support/digital_lighting/DL2andAxonSoftwareUpgrades.asp
  • Marty, Matt,
    Back from lunch, powered the units back up and have connectivity via the CMA but have no control via the units buttons and the screen is blank. Switched External/Internal a few times with the CMA and through the desk and you can hear the relays clicking. I think we are good there. I will here shortly open the unit up per your request. Anything else that maybe you would like us to try while the unit is currently in this state and before we proceed with any physical evaluation of the internal workings of the unit.
  • Marty, Matt,
    Back from lunch, powered the units back up and have connectivity via the CMA but have no control via the units buttons and the screen is blank. Switched External/Internal a few times with the CMA and through the desk and you can hear the relays clicking. I think we are good there. I will here shortly open the unit up per your request. Anything else that maybe you would like us to try while the unit is currently in this state and before we proceed with any physical evaluation of the internal workings of the unit.
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