DL.2 v1.3.2 Released!

We have just released verion 1.3.2 of the DL.2 Software today.

This version adds a number of new effects and improvements to the software.

The Press Release for information about new features in this software are located at: www.highend.com/news_events/news/news_detail.asp?news_id=379

The full Release Notes and Software are available at: www.highend.com/support/digital_lighting/DL2andAxonSoftwareUpgrades.asp
  • Removed the cover casing and the CPU. Checked for any unseated or loose connections. Everything seemed in order visually. Reconnected connectors on CPU housing and re-assembled unit. Powered unit back up and we seem to be operational. Letting my programmer get some things done and then we will power down again and see if we come back up online or if the problem re-occurs. Will post another thread to our status.BTW we do have the X850XT in this unit. Thanks Marty and Matt for all your help
  • Removed the cover casing and the CPU. Checked for any unseated or loose connections. Everything seemed in order visually. Reconnected connectors on CPU housing and re-assembled unit. Powered unit back up and we seem to be operational. Letting my programmer get some things done and then we will power down again and see if we come back up online or if the problem re-occurs. Will post another thread to our status.BTW we do have the X850XT in this unit. Thanks Marty and Matt for all your help
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