DL.2 v1.3.2 Released!

We have just released verion 1.3.2 of the DL.2 Software today.

This version adds a number of new effects and improvements to the software.

The Press Release for information about new features in this software are located at: www.highend.com/news_events/news/news_detail.asp?news_id=379

The full Release Notes and Software are available at: www.highend.com/support/digital_lighting/DL2andAxonSoftwareUpgrades.asp
  • it sounds like a problem i had not to long ago. the LCD would flash on everyonce in a while, but mostly was out, but had a halo around the edge, so that i know that it had pwer getting to it.

    the fix for me was the 90 degree angle connector - i believe it is the EVBO connector. this was coming out of the graphics card. after awhile it seems these type of connectors wear loosely inside the unit. everytime i would open up the face place and reconnect things, it would work. BUT, with the pressure of the cable bundle going back into the fixture just pasted this connector, it got knocked loose. just not a lot of room right there in the fixture. a little dab of hot glue fixed my connector from coming loose and now the LCD works fine.

    hope that helps.

  • it sounds like a problem i had not to long ago. the LCD would flash on everyonce in a while, but mostly was out, but had a halo around the edge, so that i know that it had pwer getting to it.

    the fix for me was the 90 degree angle connector - i believe it is the EVBO connector. this was coming out of the graphics card. after awhile it seems these type of connectors wear loosely inside the unit. everytime i would open up the face place and reconnect things, it would work. BUT, with the pressure of the cable bundle going back into the fixture just pasted this connector, it got knocked loose. just not a lot of room right there in the fixture. a little dab of hot glue fixed my connector from coming loose and now the LCD works fine.

    hope that helps.

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