I've been hearing that the guys at Vision are working on a DL2 fixture for their visualizer. How will the content be handled for this? Will I need to network an Axon to my pC in order to view the DL2 in Vision, or will there be some sort of low low res version of the content (maybe watermarked) that I can download and use with Vision?
This is something I was also about to touch on since I try to do as much precuing as I can.
I am more concerned though about using scaling, positioning, and spherical correction as I program in visions since many times when I visualize, I am doing so to show a client realistic possibilities (such as putting a dozen DL2s in a nightclub).
Rendering in Max only goes so far.
Scott, I am interested in collaborating with you off list if you're interested.
This is something I was also about to touch on since I try to do as much precuing as I can.
I am more concerned though about using scaling, positioning, and spherical correction as I program in visions since many times when I visualize, I am doing so to show a client realistic possibilities (such as putting a dozen DL2s in a nightclub).
Rendering in Max only goes so far.
Scott, I am interested in collaborating with you off list if you're interested.