I've been hearing that the guys at Vision are working on a DL2 fixture for their visualizer. How will the content be handled for this? Will I need to network an Axon to my pC in order to view the DL2 in Vision, or will there be some sort of low low res version of the content (maybe watermarked) that I can download and use with Vision?
You're absolutely correct. ESP Vision is only going to be listening to the movement channels of the fixture and using that to move the input from the video input around in virtual space. You would actually output DMX to your media server for your global and graphic layers that would then feed video to the Vision input.
You're absolutely correct. ESP Vision is only going to be listening to the movement channels of the fixture and using that to move the input from the video input around in virtual space. You would actually output DMX to your media server for your global and graphic layers that would then feed video to the Vision input.