Help ! CMA Nightmare in progress !!

Am in the process of attempting for the second day in a row to use the CMA to communicate with 2 ( 1 at a time as no network device) DL2's
Yesterday using CMA on my macbook with no success, today having read in other threads that mac CMA is no longer being developed am trying on a PC, running V and microsoft.NET framework version 1.1.4322.2032.

Have dissabled wireless network on PC
Have done the cycling the AC thing
Have unplugged & replugged the Cat 5 cable

In network connections on the PC it says that LAN is connected to Broadcom Netlink (TM) Gigabit Ethernet.

Still won't bloody work, day 2 of tour, new content to upload, band not happy & I feel a sense of humor failure coming on. (maybe I should eat something)

Please help

  • Chris,

    Sorry, no skype access for me.

    One possible issue could be the mismatch of DL.2 and CMA software. Something to try is downloading the 1.2.3 CMA from our software archives Make sure you uninstall the 1.3.2 CMA before installing the 1.2.3 CMA, and see if this helps at all. If this allows you to see the DL.2s, upgrade them to 1.3.2, then go back to the 1.3.2 software.

    Also, when trying with your Mac CMA, which version of this were you using? The version, available here: should still work with the 1.2.3 software. Just make sure you have bluetooth and wireless networking turned off, and that the computer is configured to automatically assign itself an IP address when you don't have a router.
  • Chris,

    Sorry, no skype access for me.

    One possible issue could be the mismatch of DL.2 and CMA software. Something to try is downloading the 1.2.3 CMA from our software archives Make sure you uninstall the 1.3.2 CMA before installing the 1.2.3 CMA, and see if this helps at all. If this allows you to see the DL.2s, upgrade them to 1.3.2, then go back to the 1.3.2 software.

    Also, when trying with your Mac CMA, which version of this were you using? The version, available here: should still work with the 1.2.3 software. Just make sure you have bluetooth and wireless networking turned off, and that the computer is configured to automatically assign itself an IP address when you don't have a router.
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