So this weekend I did a gig with five DL2s in collage mode. All week long, they worked perfectly. Upon curtain time, one of them (center) looked to be off. The CMA showed it still there. I did a Global Reset, and it still did not come back in. It turns out the fixture was on, and it was displaying the right graphics, however the pan and tilt were out of wack. At first it seemed the axis might have been swaped, but that was not the case. I had control of the pan and tilt, they just wouldn't go where they were suppose to. I couldn't even refocus the fixture back to it's spot on the just would not go there. I ended up doing the show with out it. I had to refocus another head and change it's keystoning on the fly to fill the gap. I never did find out what happened to it. My theory was that before the curtains opened, they were resetting the stage for the performances and something must have bumped the fixture and through off it's position. I'm sure a hard reset would have fixed it, unfortunatley know one knew where that one fixture's breaker was. They would have had to reset all of them...which wasn't an option.
I've found that sometimes when I've got a cranky DL.2 doing a "Shutdown" from the console, waiting about 5 minutes and then a "Global Reset" can bring things back to life as this kills power to the motors as well for a bit.
I've found that sometimes when I've got a cranky DL.2 doing a "Shutdown" from the console, waiting about 5 minutes and then a "Global Reset" can bring things back to life as this kills power to the motors as well for a bit.