DL-2 and dtec

here's a simple setup for those of you who have done this but i have not so.
Using an IPC in Hog III mode Software 2.3.1 (1932)

DL2 901-SR Screen (d-tek input 1)
DL2 911-SL Screen (d-tek input 2)
DL2 921-(d-tek input 3)Using the camera to run the image back to the other 2 DL2 with marshalls and d-tek.

How do i configue the IPC console to route the signal using the d-tek to run the camera signal from unit 921 back to the other units 901 and 911.
I've patched the D-tek unit but am not clear as to what the "mix" is on intensity or how to use the beam stuff which is the input/output section.
is source A and B for other external inputs-outputs?
Have read this www.highend.com/support/digital_lighting/dl2supportguide/dl2livevideoprimer.asp
but it doesn't explain the console end of things.

If another act arrive with a media server then i take it i could use the D-tek to route that signal back to 901/911?

Thanks in advance.
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