So I finally really got my hands into Programming DL2's.....

All I can say is what a great instrument. As soon as i got used to navigating around everything, it became really easy. Preloaded content seemed endless. And all of the content was easy to pull up from the Hog. Also the onboard camera is a really cool feature. We were doing a christmas party with Motley Crue and Poison. They performed great. The college generator worked perfectly. It took me a little time to play with it and get everything lined up, but once i did it was sweet. My only two complaints is i wish the DL2's were brighter, and i wish it had something better than just S-Video. Also if they had a 5 wire out to link up to a video switcher so i can show the content on the projectors that we had on the sides of the stage it would have been really sweet.

Great product guys!
  • This has been around since Richard endorsed the Triple Head2Go. Say we are just doing a 3X1. A submix is used for each output which Richard has made offset presets for (they are offsets and sizes for what makes up each output on this one giant desktop). Then you offset each submix position (in the submix menu) in the video space allowing for your 10%-20% blend. With that done, you assign all the same layers you want to use for the collage to the submixes. Each submix will only display the portion it has been set to. You are not playing back 3 instances of each file, but one mapped across all 3 submixes. I've found the submix options to be really flexible, and it's nice being able to click and drag each position and keystone point/curve.

    Since richard allows you direct control to the overlap percentages and the ability to blend all 4 corners, it is a really robust system, you just can't control it from the console yet (i may be wrong). All keystone parameters cannot be corssfaded that are done in the submixes.
  • This has been around since Richard endorsed the Triple Head2Go. Say we are just doing a 3X1. A submix is used for each output which Richard has made offset presets for (they are offsets and sizes for what makes up each output on this one giant desktop). Then you offset each submix position (in the submix menu) in the video space allowing for your 10%-20% blend. With that done, you assign all the same layers you want to use for the collage to the submixes. Each submix will only display the portion it has been set to. You are not playing back 3 instances of each file, but one mapped across all 3 submixes. I've found the submix options to be really flexible, and it's nice being able to click and drag each position and keystone point/curve.

    Since richard allows you direct control to the overlap percentages and the ability to blend all 4 corners, it is a really robust system, you just can't control it from the console yet (i may be wrong). All keystone parameters cannot be corssfaded that are done in the submixes.
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