DL2 no output...HELP

I have DL2 that is responding to dmx yet there is no output...

I know that sometimes the internal / external relay gets stuck - we have tried this several times through the CMA and no luck.

Tried just about every kind of reset available.

Any ideas?


  • Marty,
    You bring up an excellent point about letting the computers boot up before striking other lamps... I will remind our 'B' tech about this. Also, we will look at the rest.


    This happens once every six weeks or so...

    I only have a couple of more weeks here ... I will let you know what I find .

  • this post just helped me. today I decided to play around with one of those vga to ethernet adapters. I powered up the adapter before I powered up the DL3. when I went to bring the lamp up the iris opened and and all you could see was video black(at this point I had not switched it external input). I looked at my CMA and it was still Internal input. I still switched in via dmx to internal. no luck. I tried reseting every thing projector, graphics, global....still nothing. tried the test patterns..nothing. i jumped on the good old forum and started to search. Found this thread and got an idea. I tried switching to external then back to internal input and it worked. So I guess the vga ethernet adapter forced it into external on start up and got stuck there. Everythings good to go now!!! Thanks guys
  • That's great to hear, I have couple of those adapters and never have gotten them to work. Maybe I will try them again. Since originally I bought them for that purpose.
  • Mine worked great last week. It outputs a crisp picture. Better than Mpeg 2 but the lack of keystoning makes it good for watching monday night football but not much else. Just make sure you don't have the adapter plugged in before you power up the DL as I learned today.