DL2 comments and possible questions

I just wanted to confirm some things about the DL2 that I will be using on a show soon and get anything I might be missing covered.
Essentialy it is my understanding, if the video input is through the RGB input the dl2 becomes simply moving head video projector(DL1). All I will have control of is he pan/tilt ,intensity i.e. basic moving light functions. Video funtions such as keystone are handled at the fixture panel. Is there anything tricky I should know under these conditions that will catch me up? Such as a mode funtion or addressing issue that is not obvious.
Thanks in advance for any help,
  • Hi Eric,

    One of the many features which separate the DL.2 or DL.3 from the DL.1 is that the DL.2 and DL.3 have an on-board media server. This media sever has stock content already pre-loaded on to the hard drive as well as the ability to accept custom user content.

    When using the DL.2 you will need to patch:
    1 DL2-Motion
    1 DL2-Global
    1-3 DL2-Graphic (for typical use, patch 3 layers)

    If you were to connect your video source to the external inputs on the top-box of the DL.2 fixture and Set the Projector Input to ‘External’ and only patch DL Motion, then theoretically you would be able to control the fixture like you would a DL.1. This of course depends on how the fixture is patched...you would need to patch 1 DL-2 Motion

    Keystone functions are manipulated within the DL2 Global, which is controlled by the lighting console.

    This scratches the surface. I recommend getting a copy of the manual and reading through it. :ninja:


    Hope this at least gets you started.
    Good Luck,
  • Hi Eric,

    One of the many features which separate the DL.2 or DL.3 from the DL.1 is that the DL.2 and DL.3 have an on-board media server. This media sever has stock content already pre-loaded on to the hard drive as well as the ability to accept custom user content.

    When using the DL.2 you will need to patch:
    1 DL2-Motion
    1 DL2-Global
    1-3 DL2-Graphic (for typical use, patch 3 layers)

    If you were to connect your video source to the external inputs on the top-box of the DL.2 fixture and Set the Projector Input to ‘External’ and only patch DL Motion, then theoretically you would be able to control the fixture like you would a DL.1. This of course depends on how the fixture is patched...you would need to patch 1 DL-2 Motion

    Keystone functions are manipulated within the DL2 Global, which is controlled by the lighting console.

    This scratches the surface. I recommend getting a copy of the manual and reading through it. :ninja:


    Hope this at least gets you started.
    Good Luck,
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