DL2 comments and possible questions

I just wanted to confirm some things about the DL2 that I will be using on a show soon and get anything I might be missing covered.
Essentialy it is my understanding, if the video input is through the RGB input the dl2 becomes simply moving head video projector(DL1). All I will have control of is he pan/tilt ,intensity i.e. basic moving light functions. Video funtions such as keystone are handled at the fixture panel. Is there anything tricky I should know under these conditions that will catch me up? Such as a mode funtion or addressing issue that is not obvious.
Thanks in advance for any help,
  • Since you asked about the RGBHV input, I thought I would contribute this,
    You are correct, the RGBHV Input bypasses the media server,
    and you will have no control over keystone or anything other than the mechanical functions, iris, pan and tilt.

    any keystoning would have to be done from the playback device or maybe with the projector's built in keystoning functions (extremely tedious!)
    As far as I know, there is no control of keystoning the projector available on the control panel of the fixture.

    I would strongly suggest trying to have your source come into the DL2 as a S-video feed, then you will still have control of the image.

    Good Luck
    Joshua Wood
  • Since you asked about the RGBHV input, I thought I would contribute this,
    You are correct, the RGBHV Input bypasses the media server,
    and you will have no control over keystone or anything other than the mechanical functions, iris, pan and tilt.

    any keystoning would have to be done from the playback device or maybe with the projector's built in keystoning functions (extremely tedious!)
    As far as I know, there is no control of keystoning the projector available on the control panel of the fixture.

    I would strongly suggest trying to have your source come into the DL2 as a S-video feed, then you will still have control of the image.

    Good Luck
    Joshua Wood
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