Urgent Dl.3 problem

Hi everyone, we are currently using 4 Dl.3 for the second time and now when I try to use CMA no dl.3 show up. We are running lastest cma version and dl3 version.

Another question, Cam the ethernet port "die"? I mean first time we used them we lost contact right on the show of 2 dl.3, never got ethernet to work back on them and they were Brand new, In the box.

  • Are you running Windows XP or Windows Vista?

    Have you double checked to make sure all of the ethernet cables are good? It doesn't take a lot of abuse to kill a Cat 5 cable.

    Also, is you CMA computer set up to run DHCP, or is it possibly set to a static IP address?

    One thing you might want to try is pinging a fixture on the network. To do this:

    1) Get the IP address from one of your DL.3s. You can see this under the INFO --> VERSION tab in the menu of the DL.3.
    2) Go to "Start" --> Run...
    3) Type in "cmd" and then hit enter
    4) In the window that pops up, type "ping (ip address of your fixture)" without the brackets
    5) If the network is good, you should see something like this:

    "Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time
    Reply from bytes=32 time
    Reply from bytes=32 time

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 2ms, Average = 0ms"

    If you see anything else, then likely you have a network problem (bad switch, bad cable, etc).

    If you have the gear available, try the ping and let us know the results.
  • Are you running Windows XP or Windows Vista?

    Have you double checked to make sure all of the ethernet cables are good? It doesn't take a lot of abuse to kill a Cat 5 cable.

    Also, is you CMA computer set up to run DHCP, or is it possibly set to a static IP address?

    One thing you might want to try is pinging a fixture on the network. To do this:

    1) Get the IP address from one of your DL.3s. You can see this under the INFO --> VERSION tab in the menu of the DL.3.
    2) Go to "Start" --> Run...
    3) Type in "cmd" and then hit enter
    4) In the window that pops up, type "ping (ip address of your fixture)" without the brackets
    5) If the network is good, you should see something like this:

    "Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time
    Reply from bytes=32 time
    Reply from bytes=32 time

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 2ms, Average = 0ms"

    If you see anything else, then likely you have a network problem (bad switch, bad cable, etc).

    If you have the gear available, try the ping and let us know the results.
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