Urgent Dl.3 problem

Hi everyone, we are currently using 4 Dl.3 for the second time and now when I try to use CMA no dl.3 show up. We are running lastest cma version and dl3 version.

Another question, Cam the ethernet port "die"? I mean first time we used them we lost contact right on the show of 2 dl.3, never got ethernet to work back on them and they were Brand new, In the box.

  • Anthony,

    A couple suggestions.

    1. Be sure you have your laptops plugged into direct power and not running off battery. A lot of laptops over the last several years are disabling the Ethernet jack and only leaving wireless active when running on battery to save power. This could be a like issue for you.

    2. When the units are connected please look on the back of the DL.3 computer itself (not the back of the fixture) and tell me if the LED's come on the Ethernet jack to indicate Link Status.

    3. Go to a command prompt (Run: cmd) and type: ipconfig /all and then copy and paste what everything here so we can get a better idea.

  • Anthony,

    A couple suggestions.

    1. Be sure you have your laptops plugged into direct power and not running off battery. A lot of laptops over the last several years are disabling the Ethernet jack and only leaving wireless active when running on battery to save power. This could be a like issue for you.

    2. When the units are connected please look on the back of the DL.3 computer itself (not the back of the fixture) and tell me if the LED's come on the Ethernet jack to indicate Link Status.

    3. Go to a command prompt (Run: cmd) and type: ipconfig /all and then copy and paste what everything here so we can get a better idea.

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