Object Effect idea - 3-D Object tiling

Thought of a new effect that could be useful - 3-D Object tiling.

Should work just like the regular surface tiling on a single object, but would apply to the 3-D object instead.

Effect Mode: 3-D Object Tile
Mod1: create copies of object along the X-axis
- (DMX 001 would be 1 copy, DMX 002 would be 2 copies, etc, etc)
Mod2: create copies of object along the Y-axis
Mod3: create copies of object along the Z-axis

Two other effects that could work in tandem with this one are:

Effect Mode: Object Tile Spacing
Mod1: Adjust the distance between "object tiles" on the X-axis
- (DMX 000 would butt them up together 255 would be the farthest spacing apart)
Mod2: Adjust the distance between "object tiles" on the Y-axis
Mod3: Adjust the distance between "object tiles" on the Z-axis

Effect Mode: Object Tile angle/pitch shif
(used to create diagonal shifts or offsets between tile "layers" or "forced perspective" type looks by creating a gravitational center whose origin could be shifted to sort of re-align to object tiles)

Mod1: Ajdusts "gravitational center" of tiles along the X-axis
Mod2: Ajdusts "gravitational center" of tiles along the Y-axis
Mod3: Ajdusts "gravitational center" of tiles along the Z-axis
  • i certainly agree that staticly-positioned instances would be about as exciting as a straight line, and that direct, variable control over such an array is absoultely crucial.

    to address specifically your points about spacing and warping, i think that these elementary factors could supply the same benifits to my "hemisphere" or "ring" or "hollowed box" as they would to your "cube".

    and as for not having the time to get fancy, man, that's exactly why i'd love to see a set of stock "shapes" or "forms" for these instances to take. dial up a "long, double-spiraled tunnell", space it out, and it's done. use the effects engine to start the original object orbiting and rotating, the rest follow, and that's when it gets interesting.

    later on, i'd love, for example, to be able to apply wobbulation.
  • i certainly agree that staticly-positioned instances would be about as exciting as a straight line, and that direct, variable control over such an array is absoultely crucial.

    to address specifically your points about spacing and warping, i think that these elementary factors could supply the same benifits to my "hemisphere" or "ring" or "hollowed box" as they would to your "cube".

    and as for not having the time to get fancy, man, that's exactly why i'd love to see a set of stock "shapes" or "forms" for these instances to take. dial up a "long, double-spiraled tunnell", space it out, and it's done. use the effects engine to start the original object orbiting and rotating, the rest follow, and that's when it gets interesting.

    later on, i'd love, for example, to be able to apply wobbulation.
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