Upgrading DL.2 to 1.5 question...

Hello, I had an issue with uploading content to my three DL.2's yesterday via my Apple MacBook Pro after updating to OSX "Snow Leopard". I updated my CMA software to the newest BETA version that is currently available for Macs and when I try to import custom content, the status bar still appears as if it's about to receive the content, then it disappears and the content doesn't actually load. I think what I need to do is upgrade my DL.2 fixture software to the newest version 1.5. My question is, how do I do this and what are any possible repercussions for upgrading the fixture software?

Sorry this is so lengthy, but any advice is appreciated!
  • That's a really old version of software, and chances are that's a big part of the reason you are having upload issues on the MacCMA.

    Unfortunately, upgrading from such an old version is not a trivial task. You will need to re-image the drives with the latest restore image to upgrade the operating system before you can upgrade to the latest DL software.

    You will first need to download the latest recovery image, which is v2.2.0 from here: www.flyingpig.com/phpscripts/recovery.php

    Once you download it, you will need to burn the ISO on to a CD-ROM. Make sure you that you have burning software that can burn an ISO correctly.

    After you have it burned onto a disc, you will need a USB CD-ROM drive and a USB keyboard to re-image the units. Details on re-imaging them can be seen here: www.highend.com/support/digital_lighting/videos/dl2updater.asp

    After the image version has been upgraded, you can then download the latest DL software, which is version 1.5.4, from our software download page here: www.highend.com/support/digital_lighting/DL2andAxonSoftwareUpgrades.asp. This update can be run through the CMA.

    A word of warning: After you get done imaging the DLs, they will sit with a black screen for quite a while (up to 15 or 20 minutes) while they do some analysis on the content they have on them. Please do not power off the units during this time.

    If you have any questions about the process, please let me know.

  • That's a really old version of software, and chances are that's a big part of the reason you are having upload issues on the MacCMA.

    Unfortunately, upgrading from such an old version is not a trivial task. You will need to re-image the drives with the latest restore image to upgrade the operating system before you can upgrade to the latest DL software.

    You will first need to download the latest recovery image, which is v2.2.0 from here: www.flyingpig.com/phpscripts/recovery.php

    Once you download it, you will need to burn the ISO on to a CD-ROM. Make sure you that you have burning software that can burn an ISO correctly.

    After you have it burned onto a disc, you will need a USB CD-ROM drive and a USB keyboard to re-image the units. Details on re-imaging them can be seen here: www.highend.com/support/digital_lighting/videos/dl2updater.asp

    After the image version has been upgraded, you can then download the latest DL software, which is version 1.5.4, from our software download page here: www.highend.com/support/digital_lighting/DL2andAxonSoftwareUpgrades.asp. This update can be run through the CMA.

    A word of warning: After you get done imaging the DLs, they will sit with a black screen for quite a while (up to 15 or 20 minutes) while they do some analysis on the content they have on them. Please do not power off the units during this time.

    If you have any questions about the process, please let me know.

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